The Giggle Dam Dinner Theatre has a lush history, some of it still in blanks, but as we dig up more information, we'll add it here. With that said, if you know anything that is not seen here, please use our Contact Page to alert us, and provide us with what you know. We appreciate it!
Check out our Time Line PDF!
Put together after hours of research was performed. We continue to update it with new information.
July 05, 2004 - Supreme Court Ruling HMTQ v. Lowe (murder case against David Lowe):
Link to Oral Reasons for Judgement
July 23, 2009 - Court of Appeal Rex v. Lowe
Information courtesy PoCo Heritage:
(Port Coquitlam Heritage & Cultural Society)

Newspaper insert circa Nov.1956

Newspaper insert circa 1985 or '88 concerning wood used to build theatre

VSPI was called to the Giggle Dam Dinner Theatre in July 2010. Reportings of unexplained phenomena had the Theatre crew asking for confirmation in all they were experiencing. A daytime investigation was set in motion, with a walk through of the premises, breaking up into teams, looking for natural explanations as well as gathering evidence. Once the investigation was complete, research into the history of the building began. Information was found to support the evidence gathered. VSPI presented a reveal to the Theatre crew and although we agreed there was some unexplainable activity, we could not say it was "haunted" at that stage. Further investigation was recommended.
On February 19, 2011, VSPI entered the Giggle Dam with a documentary filming crew in tow for an overnight investigation. Further evidence was gathered and with additional information found, VSPI gathered the Theatre crew for a reveal that astounded everyone. With the strength of the evidence and research, VSPI agreed to state the Theatre is indeed "haunted".
Below, find information to support the claim.
-- a shadow man in a fedora & long dark coat seen wandering the upstairs hallway past the kitchen area
-- loud crashing sounds on a staircase
-- feelings of being watched or someone standing behind you in certain areas
-- children pointing and talking to someone on the stage when no one is there
-- uncomfortable feelings
-- a woman with a vaudville past, looking for her red shoe
-- objects falling from great heights in the back stage area
-- coffee filter flying out of a machine and more
-- the loud crashing sounds on the staircase is heard at odd times. We discovered these may be sounds heard from a nearby train yard, when the train cars bump together. They can be heard throughout homes and commercial buildings in the area.
-- cold spots felt in the upper and lower areas are due to the unusual piping that hangs on the ceiling of the main portion of the building. One pipe works, the other doesn't, causing strange drafts in certain areas.
-- objects falling from great heights could be due to human error, however this does not rule out paranormal activity.
-- high emf (electromagnetic fields) readings in 2 rooms backstage, due to circuit breakers and electrical boxes. This may cause nausia, uncomfortable feelings, paranoia, possible hallucinations and more.
Our Findings of the July/10 day time investigation:
-- 2 EVP clips of voices captured, one investigator received headaches in an upstairs hallway, unusual EMF interaction during an EVP/divining rods session, info of a woman spirit named "Maria" from Essondale was picked up during EVP/Divining rods session, who is looking for her child-born 1933 in Essondale (aka "Riverview Hospital"). She claims to have been murdered 1934. Info is being cross checked.
-- Further investigation of Giggle Dam is recommended & pending.
Our Findings of the Feb/11 overnight investigation:
-- motion detector lights flash on/off quickly in response to questions asked. No one in that area to set them off & operation of lights was checked.
-- Unusual orb/light action caught on film student camera, all logical explanations ruled out.
-- 1 EVP clip of a male voice caught in the upper hallway where the shadow man has been seen, while setting up a camcord. Neither heard voice at the time. Research into a murder that occurred, may identify the shadow man.
-- one investigator shouted out for Mrs Walter Lily (manager of the past) & used a red shoe prop as enticement. Chills were felt by several of the team.
-- quite a few personal experiences: chills, headaches, someone watching etc.
-- VSPI determined the Giggle Dam has unexplained activity & spirit visitations.
Investigations: 2012 - 2015
-- we have had several group events & team investigations over the years. EVP evidence is being shared below. Personal experiences are plenty, but cannot be entered as solid evidence.
-- July 2014, VSPI was invited into the Theatre for a private investigation. What we discovered in the time we were there was truly astounding, and we have new evidence to present the Dam Crew. We have set up a Reveal for Jan/2016. The Dam Crew is busy with their winter programing and therefore, we cannot set it up any sooner. Please be patient!

Photograph of Shaughnessy St & Theatre circa 1970

Wood used to build the Theatre came from boxcars built to carry ammunitions to the allied effort in the Soviet Union during World War 2. The building was completed in late 1948 and called the "Port Theatre".
Electronic Voice Phenomena. The following EVPs (voices not heard at the time but showed up in our digital recordings) were caught during several investigations at the Dam. A filter was applied to remove constant background noise of the nearby kitchen appliances. **Wearing headphones is recommended**
July 25'10 - EVP of "whispering man" ("I'll be there" or "I'll be back") @ 15 secs.
July 25'10 - EVP of "laughing" @ 2 secs.
Feb 19'11 - EVP of "male voice" ("revenge" twice) @ 6 secs.
October 25, 2012: VSPI & a group of teens, along with the Poco Heritage & Cultural Society & The Giggle Dam crew had a mini-investigation of the Theatre. You may hear persons talking in background. They are in another area. The EVP stands out close to each recorder, and those are the ones we found are "unexplained".
Oct25'12 - EVP of "male voice" ("all the time") @ 12 secs.
Oct25'12 - EVP of "female voice" ("help" or "kept") @ 17 secs.
Oct25'12 - EVP of "male voice" ("sure, shoe or Stewart") @ 20 secs on stage.
UPDATE: Additional EVPS from our July 2014 investigation will be added soon, once we Reveal our latest Evidence to the Giggle Dam Crew in January 2015! The crew is busy with their winter / Christmas season, and therefore the wait. Please stay tuned! We'll update you as quickly as possible. Thank you for your support!

VSPI would like to thank:
-- The Giggle Dam Theatre Crew, Sheila Sharma & Jon Lunquist, for allowing us unlimited access to the Theatre, for their hospitality, their kindness and amazing assistance. We recommend all readers check out their shows, they are extreme hilarity! Giggledam Website
-- Kimmie Jae for bringing us together & having us guest on her online radio show!
-- The Port Coquitlam Heritage and Cultural Society for their outstanding assistance with our research & support. ** We recommend supporting your local heritage society**
-- The Vancouver Public Library for their great historical documents/newspapers.
-- Bernie Pregler (son of original owner) for his kindness & help in relaying parts of the Theatre's early history.
Left: Podcast of Kimmie Jae's Reign Radio - Bewitching Hour Oct25/10
Guests: Kati Ackermann – VSPI + Jon Lundquist – Dam Crew